I love flight sims, and iOS has few good ones. This one is fair. Its better than those Flight Unlimited things, but its not quite up to Infinite Flights realism. The planes here dont look great. Kind of low rez, and blurry, but not terrible either. The terrain is OK, and I think is actually better than Infinite Flights.
It looks like there are only 3 planes?
The flight physics seem a little simplified, yet smooth enough to feel pretty close to realistic. The sense of movement or speed feels too slow. The rudder is backwards.
There are no working instruments so its not always easy to know what your angle or pitch is from time to time.
The area you have to fly in is really small. At least there are bridges, trees and water. Plus theres an old aircraft carrier.
Its not a bad start, but there is work to be done.
SmiteMatter about Flight Theory HD